Arsenal midfielder Xhaka reveals Wenger tips on improved discipline record

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Arsenal midfielder Granit Xhaka says working with manager Arsene Wenger has eased his on-field discipline problems.


Xhaka was sent off for the ninth time in three seasons when Jonathan Moss showed him red for a studs-up challenge on Burnley's Steven Defour in January.

But he is a reformed character so far in this campaign — with only three yellows and no red cards.

He told The Sun: “With hindsight, you are a bit cleverer. There was a time in Germany where I got lots of yellow cards and some reds.

“I analysed the cards — and some were not so necessary. I analysed that a lot when I came here.

“The two red cards playing in my first season here, one I understand against Swansea, one against Burnley less so. But I need to accept that.


“I don't think now that football in England is softer than I thought before. I still think it's tough and you see that every weekend."

Wenger specifically wanted him to stay on his feet when tackling and that adjustment has worked wonders.

Xhaka said: “You need these small tips. I've been here for more than a year and learned a lot from him, specifically on the mental side.

“The boss has done a lot. I'm a hard-working young man who believes in myself. I don't think I've reached my limit yet — I can still learn a lot. He's made changes, like to the system."
