Liverpool take lead in race for Roma goalkeeper

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With rumours increasing that Roma goalkeeper Alisson could depart the capital this summer, reports are suggesting that Liverpool have edged ahead of Premier League rivals Chelsea in the race for his signature.


Last season the Brazilian shotstopper played a major role in the Lupi’s journey to Champions League semi-final and was first choice for his country during World Cup 2018.

The Merseyside club had attempted to prize the 25-year-old away from the Giallorossi 12 months ago and Il Tempo report that a bid of €70 million after bonuses has them in pole position.


However, Roma would prefer a larger slice of the transfer fee paid in advance and the final figure in the region of €80m, although if the Reds increase their offer to €75m a deal could be done.

The inability of the 2018 Champions League finalists to meet the Giallorossi’s valuation of the South American will raise hopes that he will remain on the peninsula or that the Londoners can yet prise him away.
