Bayern's Manuel Neuer continues recovery from foot injury in Thailand

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Bayern Munich restored their 18-point lead atop the Bundesliga with a 2-1 win over Schalke thanks to goals from Robert Lewandowski and Thomas Muller.


Bayern Munich and Germany captain Manuel Neuer is stepping up his comeback bid by rehabilitating a broken foot in Thailand.

Neuer has broken his left foot three times in the past 12 months and has made only three Bundesliga appearances this season. Following the latest fracture and operation in September, Bayern's first-choice goalkeeper said his recovery could take at least six months.

The 31-year-old, who posted a photograph of himself in Phuket, Thailand, earlier this week, will be there with his wife, Nina, until Feb. 18. His recovery follows Bayern's trend of allowing injured players to continue their recovery in warmer locations.


This week i'll have my rehab in the sun! Greetings to all of you✌