David Moyes: West Ham to name manager to succeed Slaven Bilic

Published on: 07 November 2017

Moyes spent 11 years at Everton before managing Manchester United, Real Sociedad and Sunderland

West Ham will appoint David Moyes as their new manager on Tuesday.

Negotiations for the 54-year-old former Everton, Manchester United and Sunderland boss to take over from the sacked Slaven Bilic progressed smoothly on Monday.

The Scot will sign a two-and-a-half-year contract which contains a break clause at the end of the season.

Bilic left the club on Monday with the side in the Premier League relegation zone.

It is anticipated Moyes will take training for the first time later on Tuesday.

Former England and West Ham defender Stuart Pearce is thought to be lined up to join the backroom team.

Goalkeeping coach Chris Woods, the only member of Bilic's coaching staff not to leave on Monday, will be reunited with Moyes after spending time working with the Scot at Everton and United.

Moyes resigned as manager of Sunderland in May after their relegation to the Championship.

His first game in charge of West Ham will be at Watford on 19 November.

Joint chairmen David Sullivan and David Gold had said Bilic's departure was the opportunity for a manager to "inject fresh ideas, organisation and enthusiasm into a very talented squad".

The Croat's final game was Saturday's 4-1 defeat by Liverpool at London Stadium.

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The Hammers are 18th, having won just two Premier League matches in 2017-18 - and lost their first three league games of the campaign.

Bilic spent a reported £42m on players in the summer - including forward Marko Arnautovic from Stoke City for a club record £20m and former Manchester United striker Javier Hernandez from Bayer Leverkusen for £16m.

But West Ham have taken just nine points from 11 league matches, conceding 23 goals.

Following the Watford match, West Ham host Leicester City and go to Everton, before a difficult run in December which brings league games against leaders Manchester City, last season's champions Chelsea and Arsenal.

Later in the month, the Hammers travel to face the Gunners in the Carabao Cup quarter-finals.

West Ham's forthcoming fixtures19 November: Watford (a); 24 November: Leicester City (h); 29 November: Everton (a)3 December: Manchester City (a); 9 December: Chelsea (h); 13 December: Arsenal (a)What will Moyes bring to the Hammers?

Moyes, who started his managerial career at Preston North End, was voted LMA Manager of the Year three times during an 11-year spell at Everton from 2002 to 2013. In 11 full seasons, the Toffees finished in the top eight nine times.

He succeeded Sir Alex Ferguson as Manchester United boss on his fellow Scot's recommendation when he retired after a trophy-laden 26 years in charge at Old Trafford.

But despite signing a six-year deal with the then Premier League champions in 2013, he was sacked 10 months later with United seventh in the table.

Moyes went on to manage Real Sociedad in Spain but was sacked by the La Liga club after a year in charge in November 2015.

He took over at Sunderland in July 2016 before quitting in May 2017 after the Blacks Cats were relegated, having finished bottom of the Premier League.

Former West Ham striker Dean Ashton told BBC Radio 5 live that Moyes was "the safe option if you're thinking about grinding out until the end of the season and safety".

But he added: "As a player, David Moyes coming in wouldn't inspire me."

During his Black Cats reign, Moyes also attracted controversy for telling BBC reporter Vicki Sparks she might "get a slap" in March, leading to a Football Association charge for improper conduct and a £30,000 fine.

He said he "deeply regrets" making the comment and later apologised to Sparks, who did not make a complaint.

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Graeme Howlett, editor of the West Ham fans' website Knees Up Mother Brown

The fans seem quite unanimous in that they are not particularly keen to see Moyes come in. They would prefer to see someone more progressive.

I suspect there will be an awful lot of criticism for the board, who are already under intense pressure following the move to the Olympic Stadium, which has not gone down well.

Various reasons have been mentioned, including his record at Sunderland, where he came in at a similar position and failed to keep them in the Premier League. There was also the incident with the female reporter which has been mentioned a few times.

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West Ham have lost their way - Allardyce

We also asked Sportsday readers for their opinions on Bilic's sacking and who they thought should replace the Croat:

Micky Noble: If West Ham want a credible manager Moyes is not the man. They need an established boss who will steady the ship... #PardewIn

Lee Cooke: If I was the West Ham owners, I'd move heaven and earth to get Harry Redknapp back in charge! Would galvanise that team.

Phillip Barlow: We want someone who will improve and motivate this group of players. Whether it's Roberto Mancini or Terry Westley, we don't care.

Daniel Quick‏: As a non-West Ham fan, feel like Moyes is not the right option. Koeman would be great for West Ham, shouldn't be judged on last three months.

Joseph Mirza‏: People forget the good job Moyes did at Everton and just think about United, Sunderland was an impossible job.

Source: bbc.com
