Ex-GHALCA Chief JY Appiah criticizes Ghana FA Secretary's alleged remarks during FA Cup final

Published on: 25 June 2024
Ex-GHALCA Chief JY Appiah criticizes Ghana FA Secretary's alleged remarks during FA Cup final

JY Appiah, the former boss of the Ghana League Clubs Association (GHALCA) and a board member of Bofoakwa Tano, has expressed his displeasure over an alleged statement made by Ghana Football Association (FA) secretary Prosper Addo ahead during the FA Cup final.

According to Appiah speaking to Peace FM monitored by Footballghana.com, Addo reportedly questioned Bofoakwa Tano's participation in the final, saying, "Bofoakwa why are they even playing this game." This remark has not sat well with Appiah, who believes that such comments from a responsible figure could undermine the development of Ghanaian football.

Nsoatreman FC emerged victorious in the FA Cup final, defeating Bofoakwa Tano in a penalty shootout at the University of Ghana Sports Stadium. As a result, Nsoatreman FC will represent Ghana in the CAF Confederation Cup.

Appiah emphasized the need for public figures to be cautious with their words, especially in their official capacities. He stated, "If we want Ghana football to develop, some incidents happen and what went on, we have to talk about it. If you are in a responsible position, wherever you stand and talk, you have to be careful."

Appiah further revealed that Addo's alleged comment was not only heard by Bofoakwa officials but also by many other people present at the time.
