Our inability to connect chances cost us against Great Olympics – Kotoko coach Prosper Ogum

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Image caption Prosper Narteh Ogum

Asante Kotoko head coach Prosper Narteh Ogum has attributed their Ghana Premier League match week 32 defeat against Great Olympics to their inability to convert their chances.


Just 16 minutes into the game, Steven Mukwala missed a penalty that could have given the home side the lead before they were eventually punished by the visitors.

With two minutes left in the first half, Raymond Oko Grippman rose highest and scored the decisive goal from the far post to send Great Olympics into the break with the advantage.

The Dade boys then held on to win the game 1-0 as there were no further goals in the second half.

Speaking after the game, Prosper Narteh Ogum admitted that the visitors gave them a lot of room to operate but they failed to utilize their chances.


“I think our inability to connect those chances that we had, especially in the first half [made the difference], we had so many chances that we could have scored, including the penalty.

“In the first half, they left so many spaces behind them, their right side and on the left side, and we utilized it very well.

“But then it was all about the final ball into the net or the last but one pass to somebody to score.”

Asante Kotoko currently sit tenth on the league table with 43 points, five points away from the drop zone.