Right to Dream Academy founder Tom Vernon reveals why Sir Alex Ferguson wanted John Mikel Obi

Published on: 15 June 2024
Right to Dream Academy founder Tom Vernon reveals why Sir Alex Ferguson wanted John Mikel Obi

Tom Vernon, the founder of the Right to Dream Academy in Ghana and former Manchester United scout, has revealed why Sir Alex Ferguson was eager to sign Nigerian footballer John Mikel Obi.

Despite meeting Ferguson and agreeing to join Manchester United, Obi ultimately signed with Chelsea instead.

Vernon, who worked with Manchester United before starting his academy, shared insights from the early 2000s Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON). He explained that Ferguson saw a resemblance between Obi and Real Madrid legend Zinedine Zidane. "Obi was a No.10 back then, and Sir Alex referred to him as the next Zidane," Vernon told Joy Sports in an interview. "He was playing offensively and looked like a completely different player from the one we later knew. They were very excited about him."

Obi's decision to join Chelsea instead of Manchester United marked a significant turn in his career. He went on to make 249 appearances for Chelsea before retiring on September 27, 2022.
