TRANSFERS - Inter Milan trying to seal the deal on Nandez

Published on: 16 July 2021

According to latest Italian news, Inter Milan management are making steps forward in the direction of signing 25-year old Uruguayan international midfielder Nahitan Nandez (in the pic on the left). Playing into Italian football two years long by now, notably for Cagliari, former Boca Juniors playmaker is apparently ready to take the big leap, and join a prominent club therein.

Currently on a deal with Isolani until June 2024, Nandez might get to join Neroazzurri soon, with Radja Nainggolan moving again back into Cagliari ranks, this time for good, as a compensation. Meanwhile, the 1995-born is still tracked by a bunch more clubs, including AS Roma, Napoli, Sevilla FC, Leeds United, and West Ham.

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