Addiction Treatment: Finding Effective Rehab Recovery

Published on: 02 September 2021

Alcohol addiction is a disease that develops unnoticed. It should be treated by qualified specialists — expert doctors, narcologists, and psychotherapists. If you’re looking for proven alcohol rehab in London, Serenity Clinic is here to help. This rehabilitation center deals with the treatment of psychological, physical, social, and moral addiction to alcohol and other types of drugs.

The problem of alcoholism implies that alcohol consumption is not just a habit, but it turns into the meaning of life. Alcoholism, in the medical environment, is considered a progressive disease that has striking symptoms:

  • Physical addiction to alcoholic beverages
  • Inappropriate behavior
  • Irresistible urge to drink
  • The presence of hard-drinking
  • Degradation of personality

Factors Influencing the Formation of Addiction

Several factors affect a person and play a role in the formation of alcohol or drug addiction. Such factors can be:

  • Biological (biological predisposition (biochemical basis)
  • Social (availability of substances, fashion, advertising, isolation, etc.)
  • Psychological (problems with self-esteem, difficulties in communication, depression, psychological complexes)
  • Spiritual aspects (spiritual emptiness)

Effectiveness of Rehab Programs

For a person suffering from alcohol, drug, or another addiction, the first steps of rehab can be challenging. On the way to a sober life, breakdowns, aggression or apathy, and episodes of inappropriate behavior are possible. That is why rehab programs in the Serenity rehab in Glasgow and other cities in the UK are developed individually for each specific case.

The strengths of the rehabilitation process with the help of professionals include a comprehensive, integrated approach that guarantees a lasting result. After completing the rehab program, the patient receives:

  • absolute sobriety
  • return to society (work, study, family, etc.)
  • the emergence of new, healthy hobbies

In the presence of these factors and the support of relatives, the risk of alcohol relapse is minimized. Rehabilitation takes place in comfortable conditions under the round-the-clock supervision of the best doctors and specialists.
