GFA and MTN extend FA Cup partnership for three years

Published on: 30 November 2023

The Ghana Football Association (GFA) and telecoms giant MTN have formally renewed their relationship for the coveted FA Cup for an extra three years, taking a crucial step toward promoting the growth and vibrancy of Ghanaian football.

This extension continues a collaborative journey that began in the 2010-11 season, with following renewals in 2013, 2017, and 2020, underscoring both companies' lasting commitment to elevating the football environment in the country.

The MTN FA Cup is a thrilling competition which brings together 18 Premier League clubs, 48 Division One League clubs and 44 Division Two League clubs from the 10 Regional Football Associations making a total 110 clubs.

The Division One League clubs and the Regional Division Two League clubs play in the Preliminary stage and winners are joined by the 18 Premier League clubs in the main competition at the Round of 64 stage.

Winner of the MTN FA Cup receives a giant trophy, cash and products from MTN and qualifies to play in the CAF Confederation Cup competition.

Dreams FC won the 2022/23 edition, they beat King Faisal FC 2-0 to clinch the trophy.
