GFA can't do without the media; it's a key stakeholder in football - Kwesi Nyantakyi

Published on: 02 April 2024

Former Ghana Football Association (GFA) President, Kwesi Nyantakyi, advocates for transparency between the GFA and the media to boost football support.

Nyantakyi emphasizes the media's crucial role in promoting football and garnering backing, especially during challenging times.

In an interview with 3Sports, Nyantakyi highlighted the importance of transparency in enhancing relations between the current GFA leadership under Kurt Okraku and the Ghanaian media.

He stressed the necessity of involving the media openly to ensure the smooth functioning of football in the country.

Nyantakyi acknowledged the media's increased influence and the need to embrace their role in advancing the sport.

“The media is a key stakeholder in football and we can’t do without the media and these days the media is more vibrant than when I was there and you can’t hide.

"So it’s better to open up and get them on board properly so that they can help you. Whether you like it or not they have a role to play and you have to clearly involve them and give them that role”, he said.

His comments address the strained relationship between the media and the GFA, exacerbated by the Black Stars' recent performance decline.
