Hearts new coach Kim Grant ready to take the club to the next level

Published on: 09 November 2018

Hearts of Oak new coach Kim Grant says he is much aware of the task ahead and ready to deliver.

The former West Bromwich Albion scout was unveiled as coach of the Accra based club on Thursday after signing a three-year deal.

He has been tasked to get the club back to its glory days by making them a force to reckon with in Africa in the next three years .

Kim Grant on his part noted that he will do everything possible to achieve that target.

“I understand the expectations at a Club like Hearts and am ready to get to work. Under my leadership, we will bring back the ‘Never Say Die’ spirit”," he said

“I ask all True Phobians to fully embrace and support this exciting new chapter. Together, we will rise again.” He added that, “My sincere thanks go out to the Club’s esteemed leaders for having the faith and confidence in me to return the Club to its position at the pinnacle of African football”
