Myron Boadu hopes to see his dreams come true

Published on: 26 December 2019

Dutchman Myron Boadu enjoys playing alongside orange team mates  Calvin Stengs and Owen Wijndal and hopes to keep the collaboration intact for a long time.

"It would, of course, be best if the three of us also played together at the same European top club, but yes, that chance is of course not that great,"


"Meeting each other in the Champions League would also be nice", Boadu suggests an alternative. He already made his debut in Orange, just like Stengs. Wijndal hopes to follow soon. "I was filled with pride and jealous in a positive sense. That might also be in it for me, I thought."

According to Boadu, friendship is still very strong. "We are just the same. Occasionally it therefore sometimes clashes. We all have quite a big mouth, we say what we think, and all three are stubborn. If we disagree with something, we say Which."
